[Seven Changes To Make Your Business & Yourself More Successful
There are always things we can do to make your life better or easier or closer to your "dream" life. These changes or "choices" can affect your business and professional life in profound ways. In some ways, they can make you and your business simply but powerfully more "attractive." This is a sample of some ways that can help you grow closer to your "ideal" life.
1. Assess Your Health & "Get Healthy"- Inside And Out.
Simple enough? Look in the mirror. Look at the bathroom scales. How is your energy level? Your diet? Your blood pressure? Your stress level? Know what your current health "status" is by *SEEING YOUR DOCTOR,* and start correcting things that limit your quality of life. Get healthy by CHOICE before you are asked/forced to due to a preventable* or treatable problem.
2. *Honestly* Examine Your Current Financial Situation.
What are you "worth?" How much debt do you have? Do you have a budget?
Savings reserve? Plan for retirement? Is your business *really* making
money, or has it turned into just an expensive "hobby?" Get out all the
"books," checkbooks, etc. Use a professional planner or consultant if necessary.
Correct overspending and *reduce consumer debt*. Cut down on unnecessary
overhead/expenses! Increase profits, or make plans to do so.
Have a 6-12 month "reserve" of money and *good* "disability" and medical
insurance for yourself and any family members living with you. Don't "assume"
3. Get Rid Of Any "Garbage" Or "Unfinished Business" From Your Past!
Yes, is difficult to forgive and "let go" of old hurts, pain, and other
unpleasant memories. And, it is essential to do that if you don't want
those "old tapes" to drain your emotional & physical energy in the
"present". People tend to let some of that old "baggage" influence their
present life, & it is going to be always in a negative or unhealthy
Write down who or what you are still "hanging onto," and decide what
it would take to "let it go" for *good*! Seek out a coach or other professional
to help if you cannot do this on your own. It is *vital* to resolve the
past for us to be able to grow and really live in the
present, and move ahead and embrace the future.
4. Make A Monthly And Annual Goals Plan Or List.
Decide what you are lacking that you need or want. Write it down as an achievement or goal to reach by the next month or 3 months or year! Make the goals reasonable yet challenging. Let your reach exceed your grasp, and work toward it daily in steps you can handle. If you need help, hire a coach, or ask your coach to help you specifically in that area.
5. Upgrade Your Personal Standards And Your "Boundaries" If Necessary.
Know what your values and standards are. Make them as high as you can
given your goals, your needs, and your personal and business situation.
Make sure you have set "boundaries" or "rules" for people in your life
around what you will and will not accept from them. This can be done in
a calm and non-threatening, yet firm manner. If you are stuck or having
problems with this, ask a close friend for help, or if the lack of boundaries
and high
standards is affecting your life badly, consider hiring a coach!
6. Stop Tolerating Things!
All of the small to large annoyances, insults, things we do to ourselves,
and things people "do to us," are not helping us have a quality life. Make
a "laundry list" of all that you are "putting up with" currently. ANY toleration
is going to affect you and have at least a small adverse affect on your
life unless you either eliminate it or "reframe" how you perceive
it or respond to it. To have a quality life and to be healthy, we need
all the energy we can get. We do enough things to ourselves that "drain"
us...we don't need other people or things draining us as well!
7. Decide To Think & Talk In The "Present" At Least 80% Of The Time.
The past is gone, and we have NO control over the future. Living in
the "now" or present, and thinking in the present, is both healthy and
more productive. If we can use self-discipline and practice, so that we
do not talk or think about the past or the future more than 20% of the
time, we will be much happier in many areas of our lives. The past can
have many good memories, but often when people think or talk about the
past it is
not about positive things, rather the "bad" or negative "stuff." The
future is a dream still. It is a waste of energy and time to stay in the
past or in the future much more than 20% of our total waking hours mentally
or when talking. If we live minute to minute, hour to hour, there will
be much less chance of dwelling into the past or dreaming too much-far
into the
We do a lot of that anyhow when we dream in our sleep!
[Self-Care Factoids & Quotes]
* "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly
endless." --Mother Teresa
* "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying
to please everybody." --Bill Cosby
* "Everyone's life is like a novel. Some of it is written by fate,
some of it is written by God, but the part we are ultimately judged by
is the part we write ourselves." --Lynn Johnston (cartoonest, For Better
or Worse)
* "If you expect to be upset, then you will seldom disappoint yourself."--Dr.
Wayne Dyer