One Day at a Time

It is so hard to take one day at a time
when we are stressed, in pain and
need the comfort and peace of mind
that only tomorrow can bring
Please take the sorrow away...
take the worries and the woes,
replace them with a smile and
the feeling of  happiness inside
Give us strength and patience
to get through the day
Don't let us make hasty decisions
that may bring regret and dismay
But give us the hope of tomorrow.
the promise of a new dawn,
the peace of understanding,
the heart of forgiveness,
and the love to get us through the day,
everyday ... one day at a time!!
Live each day to its fullest
Take each day as it comes
Make each day count
Today is the memories of tomorrow!!!
Smile and the world smiles with you ........ Cry and you Cry alone
 by Vicki Russell