RELATIONSHIP is pretty  abstract yet tangible in our  "journey".  I treat  it as a "bus journey " where myself as the bus driver. And the  "journey" which is tantamount to our life is a cycle from a depot to another and come back, and go forth again for a whole day.  So lets enjoy and start this  interesting JOURNEY ...

Commuters aboard my bus: people that come into our life. Many people  will  put the minimum amount of fare like 60 cents wherever they go: these  people  are those friends who are always desiring to make use of people, to  squeeze every drop of "usefullness" out of us.
Some will just walk pass u without a single nod and alight in the very near  stop: people who are like strangers to us ; we see and we forget.

Some will sit at one corner and travel for very long distance: people who we always  see but didn't get a chance to know them. Some of them will travel with us for very long distance but eventually will also alight upon their destination: they are normally our very good friends who we know for many years and will finally lose them if we don't make an attempt to bridge the gap. Some will travel  for a  distance then alight and board again in our return trip: they are tantamount  to  friends who come into our life and leave (due to reasons like quarrels,  other commitments...) and they come into our life again.
In some time , we may be attracted to some of the passengers but they  will  alight the bus sooner or later: we may be attached to someone but  normally  these relationship won't last long. Furthermore, it'll be an  disillusionment  after the facade in them are revealed.
Sometimes our vehicle may break down and different passengers will act  differently. Some of the passengers will use "eye-power" when our vehicle  breaks  down: these people are prevalent in our society where they will only  talk  but no actions; if trouble comes in our life, they will certainly "run off".

Some will even go to the extend to blame or curse us despite our bad  situation and effort to deliver them to their destination: these  people are  those people who are so insensitive and selfish despite the efforts  we had helped them in the past.
Luckily there will be minority passengers that will come to our aid:  they  are those true-friends, parents, mentors, brother and friend, who  will come  to help us when we're in trouble and always stand by us.
At certain time, we may be more courteous to some commuters but they  just  "bo chup"; these are the people who sometimes take us for granted  despite  we're nice to them. During the last few trips we may be tired and  look a bit unfriendly to some: the victims are those who we take them for  granted  despite their sincerity. A few will really travel with us till the  finishing: so only a few true friends will really accompany us  throughout  our life. And can u ensure who are they???